Europcar Centre Ville - Gare CFF - TrainStation a Lausanne

SvizzeraEuropcar Centre Ville - Gare CFF - TrainStation



🕗 orari di apertura

2, Avenue Louis-Ruchonnet, 1003, Lausanne, Lausanne, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 21 319 90 40
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.5179987, Longitude: 6.6276495

commenti 5

  • RootedHat



    Large choice of vehicles but very hot inside their store as there is no aircon

  • Casey Deyle

    Casey Deyle


    Quick and easy rental car

  • Andre Cardoso

    Andre Cardoso


    Great friendly service. Outstanding customer service.

  • roya olyazadeh

    roya olyazadeh


    Never again!! We rented a small car for 3 days to go to germany (2 weeks in advance) and they gave us a van for 7 people and we had to wait 30 minutes for it. This made us to pay double for the gas, the car was really huge. After 3 hours of renting a car, I noticed a small damage in the front that was not easy to notice. While returning the car, I told them and they told me I am lying and I did this damage. I sent them an email and they responded me after 3 weeks that the case is closed and I am responsible for it. Satisfaction of clients has not place in this company car. With my calculation, the trip was going to cost me 260 swiss franc but it costed me 550 including the damage price they took and the high gas consumption. Never Again!!!!!!!! They might even did this damage so they gave us this big car instead of a small car to cover the price of damage by us ... Never again !!!!!!!!

  • en

    Pablo Rosario


    The girl in the front desk was really rude when she saw that the car had a two dents, one of them I didn't do it, but she didn't accept that. She was accusing me that I was hiding the one I actually accept that I did and if I haven't told her as I did it she wouldn't realize it was there. Luckily I had full ensurance

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