Avis Autovermietung Lausanne a Lausanne

SvizzeraAvis Autovermietung Lausanne



🕗 orari di apertura

50, Avenue de la Gare, 1003, Lausanne, Lausanne, CH Szwajcaria
contatti telefono: +41 21 340 72 00
sito web: www.avis.ch
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.5173562, Longitude: 6.6311289

commenti 5

  • fr

    Alexandre Bourlard


    Gros problème au niveau du service après-vente. Véhicule loué à l'étranger depuis la Suisse, suite à une erreur de date dans ma réservation (corrigé dans les 30 minutes de ma part), j'ai été débité d'un montant trop élevé (bien qu'un e-mail m'ait confirmé la modification de ma réservation). Impossible de les contacter par e-mail pour espérer solutionner la situation (3 adresses de contact testées), finalement contact téléphonique possible le 2 novembre, où l'on m'explique que ma demande sera traitée dans les 10 jours. Toujours aucune nouvelle.....

  • en

    praveen pabby


    I booked a porsche macan for pickup on 17th july from Lausanne, on 12th of july, i got an email from Avis saying.. Dear Praveen, Your unique booking reference:: Awaiting Confirmation Your booking is awaiting confirmation Thank you for your booking. Due to short notice or the limited availablity of your chosen vehicle, your reservation is 'on request'. You won't be charged if the booking is denied. We will notify you by email within 72 hours to let you know either way. Your booking details: Large Porsche Macan I did not receive an email and called them on 16th and gave them booking details. Theyinformed me that the booking was cancelled on 15th. Since I hadn’t cancelled I asked them that who cancelled it, and they told me they have no idea and refused to do anything about it, refused to tell me why I hadn’t got an email within 72 hours as mentioned in the email, and they told me that my booking was for a mini cooper where as I had booked a Porsche macan and it was acknowledged in the email that I received from Avis. I told them that the email from avis acknowledges the fact and I can forward them the email. They rudely insisted that they don’t want to see that and will go by what they see on the system, and the booking has been cancelled

  • fr

    Angeles Alonso


    Très mauvais service après vente. Impossible de les contacter et par téléphone et par mail et par courrier. J'ai un problème de remboursement suite à une annulation et vu que personne répond impossible de me faire rembourser malgré que j'ai une annulation. Ils ont prélevé l'argent et on ne me rembourse pas. :(

  • Cyrus Fazel

    Cyrus Fazel


    Worse experience ever. I was 1 minute late 14:01 and they were supposed to close at 14:00. (I called them). One guy from the staff was super rude and charged me extra 30 chf from being 1 minute late. On top of all I was downgraded from Golf to Opel corsa. Never ever again!

  • en

    oleg temirov


    Last year I had to change the minivan and I had a fantastic experience with Avis staff. Very friendly, professional and fast. I will recommend all my friends to rent a car at Avis Lausanne and I will keep renting every summer vacation the car via them. All the Best, Oleg

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