Bellevue Palace Bern i Bern

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SchweizBellevue Palace Bern


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3-5, Kochergasse, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
kontakter telefon: +41 31 320 45 45
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.946602, Longitude: 7.446723

kommentar 5

  • en

    Laurent Georges


    Best view over the Aare and the Marzili. Rather expensive terrace but perfect place to celebrate your next achievement.

  • deoabhi



    The hotel is located at the city center. Well connected via public transport. All the major attractions are in walking distance. Beautiful view of Bern. The staff are very friendly and welcoming

  • en

    Aynur J


    Very delicious and healthy food, be it from lunch menu or standard menu, nice food presentation. Highly professional and energetic staff both in restaraunt and at hotel reception. Incredible view from terrace and classic, cool interior inside. P.S. Complimentary nan bread was a bit over cooked and even burned, apple schörli was served with a broken straw 😳The rest was impeccable.

  • en

    Walter Balmer


    Not only a hotel but institution ! Great place for high-end dining or a sunset glass of wine on the terrace.

  • en

    Cristina Schlesier


    We have stayed a couple of days only but had fantastic time, the comfort is just amazing. Dream location and very good service, will certainly come back.

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