Zebrabox Lausanne de Lausanne

SuisseZebrabox Lausanne



🕗 horaire

3, Rue de Sébeillon, 1004, Lausanne, Lausanne, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 21 625 15 15
site web: www.zebrabox.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5231838, Longitude: 6.618273

commentaires 5

  • fr

    Bruno Scheidegger


    Les locaux sont très propres, bien sécurisés. Le service client est impeccable. Accès facile, chariots sur place. Prix au dessus de la concurrence mais les tarifs sont justifiés par la qualité de service.

  • Irwin Hirsh

    Irwin Hirsh


    I love this place. Very helpful, friendly and were always able to provide service in English as well as French :-). The storage units are easily accessed via modern eKeys, tidy and the price was very competitive. Additionally there is a truck you can use (reserve in advance best) and an overall positive vibration, as much as possible for a storage unit. My move back to Sweden was highly variable and they were very flexible about extending my stay (if needed) after I gave my 15 days advanced notice. A gem of a storage facility.

  • Veronique Annen

    Veronique Annen


    Leurs box de stockage sont supers... Endroit surveillé... Vos meubles y seront bien

  • en

    mehrdad silatani


    Helpful staff, nicely organised storage spaces, good quality cardboard boxes for sale ... only thing to note is that you need to book an appointment on the phone before trying to rent a storage space! Overall, very good.

  • en

    Ben Ebelt


    Excellent service, very clean and professional storage solution!

Espace de rangement la plus proche

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