Warwick Geneva a Genève

SvizzeraWarwick Geneva



🕗 orari di apertura

Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
14, Rue de Lausanne, 1201, Genève, Genève, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 22 716 80 00
sito web: warwickhotels.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.2106647, Longitude: 6.1443615

commenti 5

  • Duncan Stewart

    Duncan Stewart


    Nice location and close to the train station as well as some good restaurants. But the neighborhood is not great, and the rooms were good but not more than that. Next time I'm in Geneva I will likely try somewhere else. Breakfast was pretty good though.

  • en

    Patrick Kurmann


    I have never been to the hotel. A friend of mine (from abroad) left a personal thing at the lobby. Lionel from the reception desk has sent the same to my address without any charge. Just one call has been enough. I really appreciate this kind of special service.

  • Вадим Баженов

    Вадим Баженов


    The only very good thing about this hotel is its location, if you need the train station. The rest is either average, poor or even not acceptable like toilet seat that is not attached to the toilet or a dozen of mosquitoes sharing the room with you (fortunately, they did not bite us, perhaps were fed up in advance by the personnel?). The hotel itself is quite shabby, but the bed was large and on the comfy side.

  • en

    Izaak Rothen-Schild


    Right in the centre of Geneva, one minute walk to train, tram and buses. Highly recommended for business meetings within the International Organisations. Service is good, rooms decent.

  • en

    Razan Ali


    Clean and comfy rooms, the staff are very friendly and helpful. Steps away from the train and bus station that can take you everywhere in Geneva. 10 minuets or less walk to the lake

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