VELOPLUS Store Zurich a Zürich

SvizzeraVELOPLUS Store Zurich



🕗 orari di apertura

19, Konradstrasse, 8005, Zürich, Zürich, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 840 444 777
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.3801891, Longitude: 8.5363497

commenti 5

  • Marek Zawirski

    Marek Zawirski


    Perhaps fine as a shop, not recommended as a repair shop. Unacceptable level of service of mechanics based on my single attempt - they rejected to do a trivial repair that took me 2 minutes at home, and recommended me to buy a new part instead. In detail: I've ordered a part for my bike using their website. The morning I went to Veloplus to pick the ordered item up by bike, I had a minor issue with my Crank Brothers Eggbeater pedals, so I thought I will ask mechanics there for help instead of doing it myself. I asked the stuff if they could repair the spring that came off from the pedal (I was ready to pay for that repair). Two or three mechanics spent a few seconds each looking at it, and without closer inspection judged: buy new pedals, we can't repair it. I gave up convincing them to at least have a closer look, and "fixed" it at home myself by putting the spring back in place using nothing else than a screwdriver. My repair at home took approx. 90 seconds, and the pedals have worked perfectly since then. Next time I won't dare to give my bike for repair there.

  • Carlos Perez-Palacio

    Carlos Perez-Palacio


    Superb place! They saved my touring trip across Switzerland when I double threaded my pedal and had to find a place to fix it, on a Monday, which is bike shop holiday in Zurich. The place was recommended by local cyclists so went there and, even when the mechanic had never done the fix before, he gave it a go and fixed my pedal. To make it even better, the charge was very reasonable (not a common thing in Zurich). Many thanks again.

  • Stephan Waechter

    Stephan Waechter


    I had lost a crank screw and the guys from veloplus organised a piece even though they had no stock. Great service for which they didn’t even charge me. Highly recommended shop!

  • en

    Bilintx Knörr


    Good people always willing to help. They did much more as I spected and I think the price was pretty fair. I will be back as always! I recommended it!

  • geethan karunaratne

    geethan karunaratne


    great place to get your bicycle fixed. this place has all kind of tools (for free) and you can buy spare parts if needed too.

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