The Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix, Geneva. a Genève

SvizzeraThe Ritz-Carlton Hotel de la Paix, Geneva.



🕗 orari di apertura

Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
11, Quai du Mont-Blanc, 1201, Genève, Genève, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 22 909 60 00
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.2079602, Longitude: 6.1485041

commenti 5

  • en

    Zlatko Buzina


    Newly redecorated, in accordance with required standard. Very nice. Staff extremely polite and helpful. Special acknowledgement to doormen. Parkview rooms are noisier than lakeview rooms, especially early in the morning (I mean early) when trash is being collected by garbage trucks.

  • Joey Little

    Joey Little


    Perfect choice for our trip to Geneva. Excellent service and extremely helpful staff. Room was great. Nontraditional to match the hotel.

  • Doug Moncure

    Doug Moncure


    My wife and I thought it was a nice property and most of the staff was nice, but we had an issue with the hotel manager. On the morning we were flying back to the states we went to the restaurant for coffee and breakfast. The waiter asked us our room number and told us our breakfast was included. The waiter brought us a menu and told us we could order one thing from the menu and eat anything from the buffet. When he brought us the bill there was a 100 swiss franc charge on the bill. We questioned him and again he told us the breakfast was included. He stated that they had to put it on the ticket this way. When I went to check out, the charge was on the bill, I inquired as to why, and they said it was a mistake that the breakfast was not included. I never would have eaten that breakfast for a 100 swiss francs if it was not included, I probably would have just eaten a croissant or something light. In fact we didn't eat much of the "included" breakfast. I tried to talk to the hotel manager about this but he wasn't having any of it. After all you pay at this property to be treated that way and have no understanding when they made the mistake is inexcusable. I would never go back to this property and if you do . beware the breakfast scam!

  • Lj Lumpkin

    Lj Lumpkin


    The view was amazing. The service was exquisite. For my first time in Geneva the Ritz-Carlton made my stay a wonderful experience. I recommend their beautifully remodeled hotel to anyone looking for a relaxing place to stay on Holiday... And don't miss their breakfast... Best Eggs Benedict I have ever had !

  • en

    Iryna Tarakina


    Thank you so much for your warm hospitality! And a special thanks to your kind and generous staff who didn't hesitate to answer every question we had and helped us find great sites to visit in the city as it is our first time in GENEVA.

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