Thailändisches Honorargeneralkonsulat Zürich - Royal Thai Consulate General Zurich a Zürich

SvizzeraThailändisches Honorargeneralkonsulat Zürich - Royal Thai Consulate General Zurich



🕗 orari di apertura

42, Löwenstrasse, 8001, Zürich, Zürich, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 43 344 70 00
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.375311, Longitude: 8.536879

commenti 5

  • Thomas Hettich

    Thomas Hettich


    Yes, I agree with other reviewers and there are aspects of their service that deserve 1 star, but then again there are aspects that deserve 5 stars. Let me explain. 1 star: Calling the consulate is horrible. For example the entire morning of November 20th my call would be picked up by an answering service that would end up transferring into a garbled noise (think 46K modem sound of the 90es). 1 star: If you want to make an appointment (so that you don't have to sit and wait for your turn) the next available time is probably one month in the future. Yes, all 15-minute slots between now and then are booked! But actually, this doesn't matter much, just read on. 3star: Most people who come without appointments rush in the door when they open in the morning or after lunch. This is a bad idea as you will end up waiting quite a while for your turn. Yesterday I waited about one hour. However, if you turn up 30 minutes before they close (either before lunch or in the afternoon) you are likely to be served immediately. It would be nice, if this was communicated in some way. 5star: The person serving us was very forthcoming and fast. We especially liked the flexibility that she asked us to write a few lines constituting a missing invitation letter. If they would fix their phone lines and help people get to them outside rush hours, their services would be 5 star :-)

  • Dominik Giger

    Dominik Giger


    It is not possible to get a visa without a return flight to switzerland. Don't bother if you travel multiple countries. Edit: I was able to get my visa at the consulate in Basel.

  • Norbert Schlagi

    Norbert Schlagi


    Wurde korrekt und freundlich bedient, hatte einen Termin und wurde sehr pünktlich aufgerufen und kann 2. kleine Sachen, die ich übersehen hatte, nachreichen. Also bis jetzt gibts wirklich nix zu meckern

  • en

    Peter Grünig


    The tel. Nr. listed (+41 43 344 7000) is 'not in operation', per the voice message I receive, over and over again, although 'Swisscom Störungsdienst' and the 'Auskunft' confirm that the Nr. is fully operational, and also officially posted in the General Thai Consulate's Homepage!! What a bloody mess!

  • Jón Bjarnason

    Jón Bjarnason



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