Starbucks de Lausanne




🕗 horaire

2, Place Saint-François, 1003, Lausanne, Lausanne, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 21 320 70 20
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.51992, Longitude: 6.6326688

commentaires 5

  • Kaycie Deyle

    Kaycie Deyle


    Lots of space to sit and work, both inside and outside. Typical Starbucks otherwise.

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    Christopher Simon


    Probably the worst Starbucks experience we have ever had. Indifferent and dismissive service, filthy cutlery, poor food, yet very expensive. Avoid.

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    Ross Griffiths


    Coffee is drinkable, just about, but the food is terrible. Ordered a chicken and pesto panini which was very bland and 1 small piece of chicken. The lemon cake was dry and the cheesecake had no flavour! All looks nice but ...

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    Simon Bartholemy


    Quite cozy, good for working. You get 1h WIFI for free. Food and drinks are ok but overpriced for the quality.

  • Johnny Farrell

    Johnny Farrell


    Always a queue to be served, never enough seating, it's dirty and they seem to keep leaving the hot out out of hot chocolate.

Café la plus proche

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