Sniffany & Co. a Dübendorf

SvizzeraSniffany & Co.



🕗 orari di apertura

3, Tüfweg, 8044, Dübendorf, Uster, CH Suiza
contatti telefono: +41 44 820 43 33
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.382098, Longitude: 8.599471

commenti 5

  • Thomas Maufer

    Thomas Maufer


    We'll describe this place through my dog's eyes. He locked on to this place from 50m away. He'd never been there before - he knew it was going to be awesome, though. He got new food and treats and he loves them. He's also got a nice new collar. Will go back often.

  • ASK



    Die beste Hundeboutique, die ich kenne! Bietet alles was das Hundeherz begehrt und noch viel viel mehr… würde nie woanders hingehen!!! :-)

  • en

    Pamela Ostler


    I absolutely LOVE visiting Sniffany & Co. I have been back almost weekly since the first time and look forward to seeing Aileen and Daisy every time. Lina (my 2 year old pug) enjoys her visits as well and I appreciate how friendly they are towards both human and four legged customers. I especially like that Lina can sample the treats as she is incredibly fussy when it comes to food. It has saved me from buying numerous treats that she wouldn't eat once we get it home. Aileen is so knowledgable about all the products that she sells and is always on the look-out for the best possible items and greatest variety. So if you get the chance you should really check out this fabulous and friendly boutique for that special "best friend" of yours.

  • de



    Ich liebe diese Boutique, meine Lieblinge sind immer happy wenn sie da hin dürfen, denn es gibt ganz viele leckere Guddis welche sie immer probieren dürfen. Die Auswahl ist riesig und man fühlt sich super aufgehoben und beraten. Mit viel Liebe fürs Detail und Fachkenntnis geführt. p.s. auch für meine Katzen bestens geeignet.

  • Mann von Welt

    Mann von Welt


    Super schöne Hundeboutique mit toller auswahl für jeden Hundeliebhaber und Hunderasse!!!

Negozio di animali più vicina

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