Seminarhotel LINDE Stettlen - Bern - Das gute Haus am Stadtrand de Bern - Stettlen

SuisseSeminarhotel LINDE Stettlen - Bern - Das gute Haus am Stadtrand



🕗 horaire

Bernstrasse 59, Lindenweg 2, 3066 Bern - Stettlen, Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 31 931 85 86
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9590573, Longitude: 7.5241086

commentaires 5

  • en

    Helga Weber


    Very nice

  • flyingmoket



    Tip top 🔝 Chamoson

  • Johan Martinson

    Johan Martinson


    The room was expensive considering the standard of it. No air conditioning in the room, and since the room was facing the street the noise from the traffic made it hard to have the windows open during the night. The location was rural and the surroundings were beautiful, and the travel time to Bern is still short.

  • Scott Calkins

    Scott Calkins


    I would never have found this. But I am glad I stayed here. Unorthodox, but quite pleasant

  • Pramila Sekar

    Pramila Sekar


    The rooms are small, the staff speak little English, no hot breakfast served. Good points: rooms are clean and the staff are friendly.

Lodging la plus proche

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