Riverside Café a Genève

SvizzeraRiverside Café



🕗 orari di apertura

19, Rue du Rhône, 1204, Genève, Genève, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 22 311 32 00
sito web: www.riversidecafe.ch
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.2047823, Longitude: 6.145546

commenti 5

  • FC FC

    FC FC


    Worse service ever! I asked a second glass of wine and they poured the rest of the first one on it. They will take ages to deliver any drink or food. Sorry, great location but horrible horrible service!!!

  • Konstantinos Haloftis

    Konstantinos Haloftis


    It is located beside the river and you can enjoy your time and view provided the weather is nice and warm, otherwise you feel that breeze.... The staff is very nice and friendly, prices are almost normal for the region. Recommended.

  • Anne



    Their location is good so I came here twice with my friends already as it’s easy to meet up and casual place even it’s not my favorite place because there is no sun light and strange interior inside but the main reason why we don’t like is that there was a guy followed us to the home from the this cafe and we had a terrible experience. It reminds me every time when I walk around that area.

  • Anis Rahmim

    Anis Rahmim


    great staff, very friendly and wonderful drinks. definitely going back there!

  • en

    Talha Kalkanci


    The pace is very nice, at the river side. If the weather is fine you can actually enjoy the outside view just near the river bank. Wine and cheese are nice at offer. There was a dj inside when we were there, but because we sat outside we could not hear anything. inside is relatively large but there are many people there. And the service was extremely slow. But it was a friday night out so you can tolerate it. Nevertheless you should go there, sit at the river bank, drink your wine and feed the birds and swans with bread who rarely display you a fight show.

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