Restaurant Da Capo de Zürich

SuisseRestaurant Da Capo



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15, Bahnhofplatz, 8001, Zürich, Zürich, CH Suiza
contact téléphone: +41 44 217 15 50
site web:
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Latitude: 47.3772928, Longitude: 8.5405538

commentaires 5

  • Staub Hansueli

    Staub Hansueli


    Früher ein sehr gutes Restaurant. Leider hat sowohl die Qualität als auch der Service sehr nachgelassen. Erreicht nicht einmal mehr Mittelklasse. Schade. War Stammgast dort.

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    K Y Wong


    Good food but bad service. We were left unattended for 15 minutes and staff were not paying attention

  • Michael Mutzner

    Michael Mutzner


    Tres jolies assiettes et cuisine classique de qualité. Service attentif. Seul bémol: Un peu cher à midi car pas de plats de jour?

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    stanescu anamaria


    3 people order, pizza as well as pizza sticks for the salad arrived 15 minutes before the other 2 dishes. food is good but shouldn't they account that everyone shoud receive food in the same time?

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    Timothy Law


    Food is pretty good and the environment is really good too~ not sure if its because I am eating alone or what, seems like the server was not too please and response to everything was not really in a good manners~ price is alright~

Restaurant la plus proche

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