Pure Aveda a Basel

SvizzeraPure Aveda



🕗 orari di apertura

14, Bäumleingasse, 4051, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Szwajcaria
contatti telefono: +41 61 273 77 73
sito web: www.pureaveda.ch
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.5547851, Longitude: 7.5921758

commenti 5

  • Jasmine Bernasconi

    Jasmine Bernasconi


    Seele baumeln lassen a la carte

  • en

    Justina Vitonyte


    There are some great professionals at this place who motivated me to keep going back, but be careful not to fall on someone like Valerie who is extremely rude and treated my long hair in a completely brutal way, even after telling her to be more gentle. It is true that long hair gets tangled after coloring, but pulling and tearing it off is not a solution. In 7 years of getting my hair colored every two months I have never been treated with such disrespect.

  • Raquel DM

    Raquel DM


    Beautiful place, great service, awesome products, I just wish it was a little more affordable

  • Stephan Winter

    Stephan Winter


    Ich war als Fotograf dort und habe eine braut vom Styling abgeholt, alle waren sehr freundlich. Der laden ist aufgeräumt und modern. Personal beherrscht verschiedene sprachen und ist zuvorkommend. Styling der braut war Top! Nähe zum Standesamt..

  • en

    Jessica Moore


    There are some talented stylists and nice people working at Aveda - but you have to get past the challenge of the front desk staff. You provide specific instructions on appointment availability and they usually provide the opposite...or you arrive for your appointment and are left waiting, your appointment is missing or are rushed during your treatment. If it weren't for the great stylists I go there for, I would never return to Aveda Basel. I am often humored because they treat me as if I'm a difficult customer, but I don't understand why it's such a challenge for the staff to understand that working professionals have only certain availability and cannot come at any time.

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