Pizzeria Mooshüsli, Café - Restaurant a Weil am Rhein

SvizzeraPizzeria Mooshüsli, Café - Restaurant



🕗 orari di apertura

13, Holzmattenweg, 79576, Weil am Rhein, Freiburg, DE Germany
contatti telefono: +49 7621 1671353
sito web: www.mooshuesli.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.58515, Longitude: 7.60747

commenti 5

  • en

    flat.tlv flat.tlv


    I don't understand the bad reviews - are they fake by the competition? we found this place by mistake, and it's our favorite place since. the meals are huge, very tasty, and very cheap. we ate mostly pizza and pasta, and everything is very tasty! the service is kind and in the home feeling, and it's very nice to sit outside. I highly recommend this place.

  • en

    Christin Strung


    Horrible, just horrible.

  • Mischa Bitterli

    Mischa Bitterli


    Horrible service. the pork was undercooked. It also took more than 2 hours to arrive so it does make sense it was undercooked.

  • en

    Nicolas Odermatt


    Extremely disappointed about the latest visit, the fries resembled more like mashed potatos than anything else. Not to mention the staffs attitude.

  • Fabian Studer

    Fabian Studer


    Ok I know it might not be easy for people working in gastronomy but when I ask the service personal after over one hour after ordering weather they bring the appetizer with the main menu she replied it will be served as dessert and doubled down with the sentence stupid questions demand stupid answers. It took over two hours for the main dish to arrive. I had a cordon blue and it was still raw. Not beef but pork! At my mother's birthday! I would not recommend this place to my worst enemy. If you look for a expencive pizza place that takes decades to serve you will be satisfied

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