Odeon Pharmacy de Zürich

SuisseOdeon Pharmacy



🕗 horaire

2, Limmatquai, 8001, Zürich, Zürich, CH Schweiz
contact téléphone: +41 44 252 59 59
site web: www.achillea.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.3676899, Longitude: 8.5452879

commentaires 5

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    Patrick Keller


    Gute Apotheke

  • it

    Andrea Petrini


    Sono stato qui il weekend scorso per un problema, la farmacista che mi ha servito e' stata molto professionale e gentile.

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    Super kompetente Beratung..auch am Sonntag!! Die nette Dame in der Apotheke hat mir echt weitergeholfen. Kann ich nur weiterempfehlen. Top

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    Daniel Reist


    Supper Laden 7.00 uhr auf aber 7.48 noch niemand da Laden zu top.

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    This is one of the most unprofessional pharmacies I have ever been to. The pharmacist asked intrusive, unnecessary questions about my personal life which had nothing to do with my medication. She treated me like a child and behaved more like a wanna be doctor than a pharmacist, which is not her place. All of my personal information and medication were on the counter while another pharmacist asked other customers to pay at the same exact counter. I don't care what I am buying, a pharmacy and its pharmacists ought to be discrete, friendly, professional and most of all know their stuff. Unfortunately Odeon Pharmacy isn't any of it.

Pharmacie la plus proche

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