Migros de Bern




🕗 horaire

46, Marktgasse, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 58 567 63 00
site web: filialen.migros.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9481167, Longitude: 7.4451119

commentaires 5

  • Nishant



    Nice self serve place with reasonable variety to eat for cost effective options to eat. There is a takeaway section as well. Loved the Tiramisu and the pasta salad. A number of juice and drinks options along with salads, sandwiches (hot and cold), fruits, etc. Good

  • en

    aparajita roy


    One of the good quality supermarket. Quality of food is good. It has got enough varieties of vegetables and fruits. The milk products and frozen section is also very good. Quality of chees are very good. Cosmetics , household and toiletries and kitchen utencils ate goid enough to cover daily requirements. Collection of juice , chocolates and packed foods are more than good. Garden section is very strong with good quality and quantity.Service is very good. People are very helpful.

  • en

    Sharon Stucki


    Very bad customer service....ideal location and you can find all you need there, but the women in the kundenservice are mot very helpful. For that I give 3 atars.

  • Arte Cidamu

    Arte Cidamu


    A great place to make all your shopping, especially food!

  • Shelvia Loveridge

    Shelvia Loveridge


    It's migros (supermarket) and it has most things you need, plus a take away restaurant with easy food for lunch at a park. :)

Supermarché la plus proche

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