Mercedes-Benz Automobil AG a Zürich

SvizzeraMercedes-Benz Automobil AG



🕗 orari di apertura

111, Hagenholzstrasse, 8050, Zürich, Zürich, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 44 308 11 11
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.415859, Longitude: 8.562796

commenti 5

  • Josep Antoni Torres Tobeña

    Josep Antoni Torres Tobeña


    Super Service

  • Florian Speckbacher

    Florian Speckbacher


    The first and last time to order a car at this place. The staff is not knowledgeable about their own products. They promise delivery dates which are wrong and end up 3 month later. Sales Person does not update you on progress. He just sells, gets the signature and does not care anymore. Sorry that this place is even allowed to sell cars for a brand like Mercedes. This is for me a clear - never a Mercedes again.

  • Martin Rou

    Martin Rou


    I was on vacation nearby, and my car got a problem. I drove over to the garage and ask for help. In just 30 minutes, my car was on af lift. 4 hours later i was on the run again. Lucky for me it was not a big problem, but a problem that needed to be fixed fast. Top professional place, and my car was even cleaned up inside and outside before they gave it back to me.

  • John Curry

    John Curry


    As a Mercedes dealer should be. They know who you are and do the job right first time

  • en

    Markus Fuchs


    My car has been there for 4 weeks and they did not only manage to unneccassarily delay the required repair for weeks on end, but they also missed to notice a loud gearbox problem after apparently fixing something else. Obviously they did not even bother to test drive it otherwise they would have noticed. They further accused my insurance to be responsible for the delay while it turned out that they failed to provide a repair quote to the insurance fully expecting them to write a blank cheque. I must have contacted the garage at least 10 times over this period of time and reception there always promises that someone would call back, but no one ever followed up with me. The tone always indicates that you should better stop bothering them because they are all very busy - unlike their customers who have nothing else to do right??? The managing director's single contribution to this nightmare and my complaining was that he pointed out to me that I would have to pay my share of the CHF13000 bill, which came to CHF4000, in cash or by credit card when collecting the car. That was the only feedback I got from 'top management' there. In my opinion the worst Mercedes experience I have ever had, highly unprofessional, slow, rude, and considering the absence of customer care astronomically overpriced. This place should be avoided under any circumstances, made me reconsider owning a Mercedes.

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