MediaMarkt Muri a Muri bei Bern

SvizzeraMediaMarkt Muri



🕗 orari di apertura

30, Feldstrasse, 3073, Muri bei Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 31 950 56 56
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.9263109, Longitude: 7.5039694

commenti 5

  • Salil Subedi

    Salil Subedi


    A good range of electronic products with regularly updated competitive price range, and of course great sale price too! The staffs are friendly and explain you in detail of the products you are interested in. Despite the staffs speaking less english, I could still get information of the things I wanted to buy here.

  • en



    I bought some high end headphones on "sale", after the second day I noticed they were not working properly so I returned them to the store... The only solution they offered me involved an over 2 week wait as they declined any liability deriving me to the warranty of the manufacturer. They assured me, however, that if the former exchanged the headphones for new ones rather than repair them I would be fully reimbursed. After half a dozen trips and wasting several hours of my time they did not give me back a cent. In stead they handed me a giftcard with the phrase "take it or leave it..."

  • en

    Dusan Cvetkovic


    Nice parking, not too much crowd

  • radiotvhistory



    My favorite electronics store in Bern! Friendly and helpful staff and big choice of electronics, video and music (including vinyl), computers and appliances. A one stop shop! Not very crowded during most days of the week.

  • Irina Safronova

    Irina Safronova


    Big store, not crowded. Consultants are always glad to help.

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