Lötschberg de Bern




🕗 horaire

16, Zeughausgasse, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 31 311 34 55
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9491217, Longitude: 7.4454499

commentaires 5

  • John Espen Rossen

    John Espen Rossen


    Pleasant surprise to share Swiss food with family

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    Hillary Lum


    Enjoyed this on our first night in town. Everything was lovely. We are fortunate to have immediate seating around 730 on a Wednesday evening. The four of us shared a number of things to try the fondue, the pork cordon blue, and two salads. The chocolate cake was tasty (similar to a cupcake or turnover). Our waitress spoke English well and service took time but not unreasonably. Prices are higher in Bern than elsewhere, and we worked a bit to ask for our check when we were ready for it.

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    Negar Manavifar


    Nice place, food is great, the portion is huge and the price is very descent comparing to other Swiss restaurants. Staff are very friendly and helpful and I definitely going to go there again.

  • Noah Philson

    Noah Philson


    Great food and a nice location. Staff were friendly and we loved the fondu. Seemed a bit pricy but I'll still be returning for fondu another day.

  • Verena Huber

    Verena Huber


    Best salat in town! I very much recommend the Mönchssalat, a pure culinaric delight, especially for cheese lovers. The decor is retro chic and pleasing to the eye. Over busy hours the place tends to get rather noisy. Therefore the take-away option is excellent and allows you to enjoy your salat outside on one of the many park benches surrounding the area (especially during summer). Staff is simply excellent! Friendly, personal and very attentive. A laid-back place with great food đŸ€—

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