Loeb department store Bern de Bern

SuisseLoeb department store Bern



🕗 horaire

47-51, Spitalgasse, 3001, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 31 320 71 11
site web: www.loeb.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9477349, Longitude: 7.4413278

commentaires 5

  • Heidi Heer

    Heidi Heer


    Still a real department store. Locals like to go there. Good quality, some stuff not even made in China. Restaurant and hairdresser and bookshop ( big one) in the same building. Tourists sometime get 10% reduction. Ask at customer desk.

  • Piotr Mikoda

    Piotr Mikoda


    Great shopping experience, as long as you don't look too hard at the price tags.

  • Claudia Williams

    Claudia Williams


    Has everything you need. The helo you get depends on the staff some are great and very friendly others I don't know why the work there because they obviously do not enjoy their work

  • Daniela



    Very fancy and fashionable store. Prices are generally high. Kindness of the service variable according to the personnel.

  • Debbie Wymann

    Debbie Wymann


    They have a wide variety at good price and the coolest of window displays.

Grand magasin la plus proche

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