Lac de Sauvabelin de Lausanne

SuisseLac de Sauvabelin


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Lac de Sauvabelin, 1018 Lausanne, Szwajcaria
contact téléphone: +41
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.5374864, Longitude: 6.6380538

commentaires 5

  • Naveen Yellambalse

    Naveen Yellambalse


    A fairy tale place with very clean, blue water, greenery all around, and many farm animals kept around the lake in a 'zoo' like envrionment. Kids seemed to enjoy the animals a lot here. It is pleasant to just sit around the lake and feel the breeze and the scenery when the weather is bearable.

  • fr

    Tom Chauvet


    Magnifique lieux pour se balader en famille !

  • Venita Saracchi

    Venita Saracchi


    Small lake, swings, farm animals & tea room. Great place for familles with young children!

  • Marion Cretegny

    Marion Cretegny


    Grand parc de promenade. Les abords du lac ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©amĂ©nagĂ©s et sont plus sĂ©curisĂ©s. Place de jeux gĂ©niale, jolies places de pique-nique, jolie forĂȘt (nous Ă©vitons par contre d'aller au restaurant qui n'est pas trĂšs attrayant)

  • Nir Aviv Shapir

    Nir Aviv Shapir


    A true hidden gem in Lausanne! And after the renovation there are even cute pigs in a farm! 😀 romantic and suit for kids! 😀

Un aspect naturel la plus proche

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