Jenatsch Apartments de Zürich

SuisseJenatsch Apartments


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5, Jenatschstrasse, 8002, Zürich, Zürich, CH Schweiz
contact téléphone: +41 44 208 14 44
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.3640423, Longitude: 8.5338701

commentaires 4

  • en

    Adi Ivascu


    The apartments were great, clean, spacious and you have everything you need there. They are at walking distance from every important place in Zurich.

  • Michaela Feller

    Michaela Feller


    Spacious, clean, great service (eg daily cleanings)

  • Viraj Alankar

    Viraj Alankar


    I will never stay at these apartments again. Here are my issues: - There was construction going on all week just outside my unit. It was extremely loud at very early in the morning. - The walls are super thin. Every night at 2-3am I could hear neighbors coming in and cavorting. Then at 7am I'd hear Swiss dance music thumping along with the loud construction piston sounds outside. - It has a ridiculous folding shower door that's supremely clumsy to operate. - You have 2 shower water temperatures: freezing and burning. It's almost impossible to find the sweet spot, if any. - The maids don't honor your "do not disturb" sign at all. Twice they bothered me. One time they came in and walked into the bathroom while I was showering. Really? You didn't hear the shower running? Oh, maybe it was drowned out by the piston construction sounds outside. It's Sihlcity next time for me.

  • Jungkhun Byun

    Jungkhun Byun


    This apartment is managed by Hotel Ascot. I stayed here for a month and I was quite satisfied with good value and services. No DSL service but you can purchase card to access wireless LAN access.

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