ICF Bern Office a Bern

SvizzeraICF Bern Office



🕗 orari di apertura

8, Monbijoustrasse, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Suiza
contatti telefono: +41 31 380 84 24
sito web: www.icf-bern.ch
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.945318, Longitude: 7.436778

commenti 5

  • simon godstone

    simon godstone


  • Kevin N9ne Agostini

    Kevin N9ne Agostini


  • de

    Simon Eggimann


  • Dasa Bekesova

    Dasa Bekesova


  • E. D.

    E. D.


    This is the office location. The worship service is located at Fabrikstrasse 12 in Bern, one bus trip away from the train station (take the Bus 100 or the 101 - runs every 15 minutes). English service is available in the morning at 10:30am every Sunday. They typically sing half of the songs in English, and have subtitles for songs that are in German. Most of the young adults there seem to know English though. We sat next to a guy who was from Austria who spoke to us in English. Also, though the sermon is spoken in German, there are headsets that conveniently translate the message in English in a seamless way. We liked the preaching of the main male pastor. They have some female pastors visiting from other locations, which depending on your beliefs, you may or may not feel comfortable with, but it's not often. They usually post the speaking pastor under the "celebrations" section of their website each week. Definitely worth a visit. Good music, and good gospel preaching from the main pastor. They also have young families with a separate section for kids programming.

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