Hotel Wellenberg a Zürich

SvizzeraHotel Wellenberg


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🕗 orari di apertura

10, Niederdorfstrasse, 8001, Zürich, Zürich, CH Szwajcaria
contatti telefono: +41 43 888 44 44
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Latitude: 47.3730278, Longitude: 8.5439282

commenti 5

  • Paul Newland

    Paul Newland


    Little gem in the heart of Zurich old town. Easy walk to the train station, city and the lake and literally surrounded by cafes, restaurants, bars, convenience stores and take aways. Staff are helpful, friendly and attentive. Breakfast is included and offers an OK selection that could be improved on, though overall I'll stick with the 5stars

  • Carlos Alberto

    Carlos Alberto


    Excelente hotel e bem localizado. Dois dos recepcionistas falam portugues, o que ajuda muito em Zurich, onde falam alemão.

  • Alfred Allyson Drago

    Alfred Allyson Drago


    Good hotel location, helpful staff, very good breakfast spread (7am-10am Mon-Fri). Rooms are a good size. No AC in rooms which makes them hot at night when you're sleeping. Free WiFi. You can take the #4 tram (purple line) from the train station if you have luggage. Next to old town and next to a lot of semi good restaurants. Checking in process was difficult since a lot of people check out at noon and we were trying to check in then. We had to wait an hour before our room was ready. Check in time for reference is 2pm. You can leave you luggage at the hotel to go explore Zurich. We booked our stay through a travel agency. Recommend staying here if you come to Zurich.

  • Andrew Anderson

    Andrew Anderson


    Das Hotel ist super schön ruhig gelegen und sehr zentral. Die Einrichtung als Boutique Hotel verleiht dem Wellenberg einen einzigartigen Charme. Die Bar im ersten Stock ist definitiv einen Besuch wert genauso wie die liebevoll und ästhetisch gestaltete Bibliothek.

  • Graham Roberts

    Graham Roberts


    The room was a little dated but overall was good and comfy. Unfortunately the hotel did smell of smoke as they have a bar on the first floor that allows smoking, so even though the rooms are all non smoking there was still a strong odour of smoke throughout. We also got hit with a tax on leaving the hotel (VAT), even though our reservations included all taxes already and all our document clearly showed it was already paid.

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