Hotel Spalentor de Basel

SuisseHotel Spalentor



🕗 horaire

1, Schönbeinstrasse, 4056, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 61 262 26 26
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.558565, Longitude: 7.580574

commentaires 5

  • srinivasan v

    srinivasan v


    Nice hotel (stayed there for 3 nights). Room was good that had small balcony facing road. Location is good (very close to bus stop, tram stops, marketplatz is walkable). Staff was courteous and they guided me. They provide pass for Basel public transportation and complementary breakfast

  • Shwetlana Ambastha

    Shwetlana Ambastha


    Very helpful staff and great amenities. Highly recommended for stay.

  • Armanda du Plessis

    Armanda du Plessis


    In my opinion the best hotel in Basel. The staff area friendly and helpful and make great great cocktails at the bar (I recommend the Spalini)

  • en

    Paul Ladestein


    Very short trip. The bed was fantastic. Very big rooms. Nice greetings when you get in your room.

  • I. M.

    I. M.


    We stayed at deluxe double room which was spacious, clean and cosy with a modern interior design, small balcony and plenty of light. Bathroom was super clean, plenty of towels were provided as well as hair drier, they really paid attention on details and provided even some small things like nail file and bathing duck :) Hotel personnel was very polite and helpful. We were also given a city card for free transport and 50% discount on museum tickets. Really nice experience!

Lodging la plus proche

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