Hotel Restaurant Rheinfelderhof a Basel

SvizzeraHotel Restaurant Rheinfelderhof



🕗 orari di apertura

61, Hammerstrasse, 4058, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 61 695 45 45
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.5623683, Longitude: 7.596851

commenti 5

  • Ho Edwin

    Ho Edwin


    Here is closer to basel fair main hall,price is high taste is ok.

  • en

    Lincon Souza


    It's awesome...the food. The people and the room

  • Daniel Peixoto Martins

    Daniel Peixoto Martins


    Nice place, nice food, great service! Prices are good and the space is comfortable and quiet. Great for a meal after a long day and with good prices.

  • Irene Pascual

    Irene Pascual


    Nice hotel with great staff. Everyone was very kind and helpful. The price is good. The room(207) was very comfy, clean and cozy. The bathroom very clean and a big big shower. Great communication with the city center on tram. 3 lines in front of the hotel. And the 3 that goes to the station 3 minutes by walk.

  • Sam Trapp

    Sam Trapp


    No parking. They were 'out' of parking by the time I arrived (8 pm). This meant that I had to street park, and wake up at six am to put an hour and a half (the Max time allowed) worth of money in the meter just to (potentially) have enough time to shower, breakfast and get ready for the day. Then, I would have had to either relocate the car to a new spot (an exercise in futility apparently) or find a public garage (the nearest is three blocks away). The public garage was also an option overnight by the way, which could have prevented the early morning rise, but would have required a much later night, not something I was looking forward to upon late arrival. Truthfully, the room is smaller than a cruise ship room and contains a single sized bed that takes up more than 50% of the space. The bed itself was far less than spectacular. The mattress bowed in the middle like a hammock - not so good if you intend to do more than nap. That being said, the staff is great, the room was spotless, the bathroom was clean and modern, food choices in the area great, location great, city great, and anything not mentioned was good enough for me not to mention it! I'm pretty easy to get along with and understand premium city space issues. But these limitations should have been noted somewhere in the advertising so that I would have had a choice, or at least an awareness of space and parking constraints before booking. Good thing I was alone! Two people would not have fit in the hammock!

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