Hotel Restaurant Goldener Schlüssel a Bern

SvizzeraHotel Restaurant Goldener Schlüssel



🕗 orari di apertura

72, Rathausgasse, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 31 311 02 16
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Latitude: 46.948534, Longitude: 7.448701

commenti 5

  • en

    Eddie Yang


    Reception was nice and helpful. Room was reasonable ( it was big enough for 3 people. Famliy. 1 queen size bed and one single.Still have enough space for single sofa and small table and 2 chairs) got security lock. No refrigerator. Washroom is bit small as other reviewers said.. i do agree with them. Bit noise if you open the window. 1st floors are all restraunt. So people talk. And smoke. As you know, can smoke anywhere except inside of room. I dont mind with noise. So it was ok. Breakfast was included. Boiled egg was fresh i think cause it was hot. Pastries was fresh too. I enjoyed breakfast. Only 2 kind of cheese selection when i had breakfast. But still, lady who works there was kind, and let me enjoy my breakfast. Had good time with bern and hotel.

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    Excellent location, very friendly staff and cooperative, place is somewhat cozy and clean, that's mainly what I liked about this place, what I didn't like was that their bed mattresses were extremely hard and caused some back pain at times (when I spoke to the staff about it they said changes are planned including the hard mattresses very soon by August 2018 if I'm not mistaken), also I found their breakfast to be just ok and not something highly recommeded, I'd highly recommend a very close by Bakery for breakfast called Eichenberger, their food is extremely good, you should try their cold chicken sandwich, chocolate croissants and their coffee was good too.

  • en

    Giovanni Russo


    In the city center, surrounded by many restaurants. Room clean and comfortable. The bathroom is small, but ok. Good breakfast. A little bit noisy due to the construction work down the street. Recommended for visiting the city

  • Alex K

    Alex K


    I loved the location of this hotel. There are lot of restaurants near by and the tram/bus station is very close that you will feel so much connected to any other locations in Bern. You can walk the old town and see all it has very easily from this hotel. The staffs are very friendly and ready to guide you on the best places to go etc.

  • Alexandru Barbu

    Alexandru Barbu


    A very nice place indeed. It's well organized and with a very relaxing atmosphere during the morning breakfast.

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