Hotel Novotel Bern Expo a Bern

SvizzeraHotel Novotel Bern Expo



🕗 orari di apertura

2, Guisanplatz, 3014, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 31 339 09 09
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.9586022, Longitude: 7.4639022

commenti 5

  • en

    Mike Rae


    Great staff. Don't speak Swahili worth a damn though.

  • Rahul Guhathakurta

    Rahul Guhathakurta


    The best point about this hotel is it's strategic location and stone-throw-access to BernMobil (Guisanplatz Station), giving you greater reach across the city without facing much hassles. Beside's this, staff of the hotel are very cooperative and friendly - keeping optimum care of the guests.

  • en

    Mike McClory


    Pleasant hotel, well situated with trams into the centre of town. Staff were professional and welcoming. One downside, they gave an ironing room rather than providing ironing facilities in the room. I really detest having to do that, ironing is boring enough without having to be in a concrete box to do it too!

  • David Martin

    David Martin


    A nice hotel next to the expo center. It's not centrally located but there's a tram next to the hotel that gets you to the city center in 15 minutes. The hotel is pretty decent. The prices are reasonable and the service is fine. They also have a popular bar at this hotel, so you might not need to go to the city center after all.

  • diego aghina

    diego aghina


    Hehehehe I have to be in at a later time or just go in at the end if the week and then I will send a pic to lag and the other one is the best we can do a phone to

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