Factor Sport-Club GmbH de Basel

SuisseFactor Sport-Club GmbH


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

28, Rebgasse, 4058, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 61 681 45 25
site web: www.löwenblut.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.5603492, Longitude: 7.5945303

commentaires 5

  • en

    Sk Mashiane


    It's the best gym in town it's called löwenblut now: Lions

  • Alessandro Fuga

    Alessandro Fuga


    Not super crowded, not incredibly professional (they cut classes without change of tariff)

  • Matthew McCarthy

    Matthew McCarthy


    I've been a member for nearly a year, and I'll renew my contract next month. The owner is constantly upgrading the facilities, and he recently expanded to a second gym just across the border in Germany to which all his Swiss gym members were granted access at no extra charge. I might quibble with some of the owner's priorities in terms of what he refurbishes when, but all in all I love this place. Plenty of modern equipment and a responsive staff.

  • en

    Rahim S


    Commercial gym that cares exclusively about profit and not about the customers. I understand that it's a business, but you could do better than play literally the same music at the same time every day. Also, they lie about contract conditions orally, so make sure to read the small print twice.

  • Adrien Semoroz

    Adrien Semoroz


    Deliberately hiding general terms and conditions at the BACK of the contract resulting in unwished contract prolongation !!!!!!! Avoid at all cost!!!!!!

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