EUROPCAR Autovermietung Bern Stadtzentrum a Bern

SvizzeraEUROPCAR Autovermietung Bern Stadtzentrum



🕗 orari di apertura

22, Laupenstrasse, 3008, Bern, Bern, CH Szwajcaria
contatti telefono: +41 31 381 75 55
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.9475385, Longitude: 7.4339432

commenti 5

  • en

    Mathias Nadig


    Die Mitarbeiter sind sehr freundlich. Die Managerin kann hingegen noch einiges dazulernen.

  • en

    Morgann Roth


    Do not rent here. Although the beginning of the experience was pleasant, I was very disappointed that the return car policy was not clearly explained. We were told (in English) that you could drop the keys after 1pm as we rented the car at 12:30p.m. and it closes at 1230p.m. when the car should be returned so it would not be a problem if you were late. We initially thought this would be great to rent from this facility as they gave such flexibility in when to return the car. We came to drop our keys in the box and found the facility open and were surprised and went in. They then charged us almost $200 extra for 3.5 hrs past the 12:30 time--the rental for 3 days was originally 379.75 and our charge was now $553.53). I would leave no star if I could. Extremely upsetting. I would never recommend or rent from them as they have misleading information in what felt like an attempt to charge us more.

  • Jack Long

    Jack Long


    I was in and out very quickly. Got a great modern car with A.C. and automatic transmission.

  • en

    Silvia Klett


    I had only good experiences with the service at Europcar Bern. near train station. Friendly service, fast, got the car in a few minutes. Car was new and upgraded. I can highly recommend Europcar Bern

  • Sebastian Marc

    Sebastian Marc


    Absolut nicht zu empfehlen. Europcar ist eine Bande welche mit Nötigung und Lügen zusätzlich Geld verdient. Selbst erlebt, gestern. Andere sind sicher nicht besser aber die haben gestern den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen. Tatort Flughafen Cancun

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