Dorint Hotel An der Messe Basel a Basel

SvizzeraDorint Hotel An der Messe Basel



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Domenicaaperto 24 ore
10, Schönaustrasse, 4058, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 61 695 70 00
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.567591, Longitude: 7.599548

commenti 5

  • Alessio Marinelli

    Alessio Marinelli


    Un servizio impeccabile all'altezza con le stelle, personale molto gentile e disponibile. Il prezzo della camere fuori dai giorni di eventi è molto accessibile. Anche le camere piccole sono ottimamente rifinite e gli spazi sono molto funzionali e non ti fanno provare l'effetto claustrofobia come da altre parti. --- I spent 5 days in this beautiful 4s hotel, no defects founded. The staff was very kind and helpful. Impeccable service at the height with the stars, very friendly and helpful staff. The price of rooms outside the days of events is very accessible. Even the small rooms are well finished and the spaces are very functional and do not let you experience the claustrophobic effect as elsewhere.

  • Dylan



    Dorint hotel is an OK hotel because the price is reasonable in a very expensive city. That said, we encountered several difficulties during our stay. First, we noticed that there was no air conditioning (read the fine print!) so they lent us a fan. Next, our door handle came out. There was also no fridge inside which meant we couldn't keep any cold refreshments. Finally, while the website stated that we could borrow weights to our rooms, when we queried the staff, they gave us very puzzled looks! On the plus side, there are printing services (useful for boarding passes!) and staff are generally helpful.

  • Ahmad Shiddi

    Ahmad Shiddi


    Good location and great breakfast. Thanks to Hussain he is a great help.

  • Cristian Contescu

    Cristian Contescu


    Great place to stay for visiting Basel: - clean room (cleaned every day) - good breakfast - underground parking (for an extra fee, but with direct access to hotel's elevators - good WiFi coverage

  • Yasmeen de Sousa

    Yasmeen de Sousa


    I totally recommend Dorint An der Messe, Basel. The rooms are nice and spotless, the staff it's absolutely amazing, very attentive, kind and helpful. The location is great 10 to 15 minutes walking to the old town, but there buses 2 minutes way. The breakfast was great with a wide variety. I had a wonderful time during my stay at Dorint an der Messe, the staff made us feel very welcomed and they were so sweet surprising me with a little birthday cake. Made my day even more special.

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