Domino's Pizza Basel Spalenring de Basel

SuisseDomino's Pizza Basel Spalenring



🕗 horaire

1, Spalenring, 4055, Basel, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 61 327 93 33
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.5614175, Longitude: 7.5744165

commentaires 5

  • en

    Pavel Aseev


    Nice pizza for take-away.

  • ripon kanti Barua

    ripon kanti Barua


    Pizza quality is perfect & tasty 💖

  • Les Parmars

    Les Parmars


    As I pass by on Tuesdays the aroma wafting from the oven fresh cheesy bread reminds this Canadian of home. I never understood the love of pizza floating in olive oil and for those that can stand the salt, dominos will always be number 1!

  • Elodie Odent

    Elodie Odent


    Pizza never delievered. when called 50 min after order was made you can't even reach the branch and end up talking to central service which need to than contact the branch in your behalf yet don't call back to tell you what is going on. on second call 20 minutes later they said the delievery couldn't find the address, the phone was wrong and that the earth is flat. all that info was confirmed on the order with the representitive to be correct - go figure. hungery, disappointed and amazed by this horrible service.

  • Dhillon Kairon

    Dhillon Kairon


    Top service

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