dieci Pizzakurier Rechts der Limmat de Zürich

Suissedieci Pizzakurier Rechts der Limmat



🕗 horaire

7, Landoltstrasse, 8006, Zürich, Zürich, CH Schweiz
contact téléphone: +41 44 361 90 95
site web: www.dieci.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.382719, Longitude: 8.550536

commentaires 5

  • de

    Joel Cristino


  • Alessandro Candreva

    Alessandro Candreva


    Good - Pizza better than Domino, or equivalent. Timing: usually quick service. Bad - delivery service extremely bad and rude: the first time the pizzas were crashed on one side, completely; the second time the delivery guys was arguing that I did not tell them that I wanted to pay buy credit card (is it my fault for real? should I as a customer tell them that I want to pay with credit card? I mean, it's not my business, it should be their problem to clarify the methods of payment) so I paid with coins (36 chf for 1 "margherita" and a "4 stagioni"...) and he started to complain again that now he has to count them and so on... so extremely rude; the third time? well, not sure if there will be a third time...

  • hr

    Damir Sabanovic


  • Tobi M

    Tobi M


    Ganz einfach: Super Pizza zum super Preis.

  • Bastien Jacquet

    Bastien Jacquet


    Dieci's pizzas are always pretty good!

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