
🕗 orari di apertura

Lunedìaperto 24 ore
Martedìaperto 24 ore
Mercoledìaperto 24 ore
Giovedìaperto 24 ore
Venerdìaperto 24 ore
Sabatoaperto 24 ore
Domenicaaperto 24 ore
149, Zürcherstrasse, 4052, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Schweiz
contatti telefono: +41 61 315 65 65
sito web: www.dasbreitehotel.ch
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.555869, Longitude: 7.614366

commenti 5

  • Patrick ND

    Patrick ND


    This is a really good Hotel which is on a main tram route and has easy access from the autoroute through Basel. The rooms are clean and spacious and the staff are all very friendly and welcoming. We appreciated the excellent communications when booking direct. The breakfast was very tasty with a wide range of hot and cold choices to satisfy any preference. Parking was included and very secure underneath the Hotel. They have bicycles to hire for free and a great space for younger children to play.

  • de

    mario Bühler


    Kann nur über den tollen Brunch berichten. Der Brunch ist sicherlich nicht der Günstigste. Jedoch, und das scheint mir pers wichtig; Die Freude und der Elan, das Strahlen in den Augen der Mitarbeiter/innen ist der Preis 100x wert. Die Speisen sind sehr lecker. Das Buffet hat nicht die 0815 "Bestückung" Wir kommen auch gerne wieder...

  • Sven Gregor

    Sven Gregor


    Dafür, dass es direkt an der Schnellstraße liegt, ist es sehr ruhig. Zimmer waren sauber und ok. Die Betten lassen für diesen Preis zu wünschen übrig! Tolles Frühstücksbuffet! Zu betonen ist das sehr nette und zuvorkommende Personal!

  • Carol Middleton

    Carol Middleton


    Last minute booking and late arrival for a one night received a warm welcome and there were complementary hot and soft drinks as well as fruit and cake available. Our room was modern, spacious and comfortable. There was a good selection of food available for breakfast too.

  • en

    Bashdar Ismaeel


    A great choice for leisure or business that is only few tram stops away from centre. Comfortable rooms, excellent breakfast and lobby area with free coffee, fruit and cakes. Staff very friendly. would definitely recommend

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