Coop Supermarkt Bern Muesmatt de Bern

SuisseCoop Supermarkt Bern Muesmatt



🕗 horaire

1, Genossenweg, 3012, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 31 301 22 56
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9538774, Longitude: 7.428749

commentaires 5

  • maria elena stramaglia

    maria elena stramaglia


    Small but well organised. Fresh ingredients for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  • en

    Philipp Aeberhard


    Pretty small. Good stop to get your groceries right before dinner time.

  • Soumita Patra

    Soumita Patra


    Very good for students for quick lunch.

  • Raphaël Saghir

    Raphaël Saghir


    Convenient neighbourhood food store. Just basic supplies available

  • Nick Fankhauser

    Nick Fankhauser


    This shop has an excellent adaptation to its student-rich environment, due to the nearby Tobler university campus. Although a rather small shop, it offers a rich variety of ready to use food and beverage items. For example baked snacks or cooled half liter bottles of coke or beer. As the students appear in waves between their lectures, the shop quickly increases the number of cashiers, so you never have to wait for long.

Supermarché la plus proche

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