Camping Au petit port de Huningue

SuisseCamping Au petit port


pas d'information

🕗 horaire

8, Allée des Marronniers, 68330, Huningue, Haut-Rhin, FR Frankrig
contact téléphone: +33 3 89 70 01 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.593915, Longitude: 7.58901

commentaires 5

  • en

    Raphael ZĂŒrcher


    Good location and prices are ok. Near to 3 different countries.

  • fr

    Anne Grimaud


    On y va l'été et c'est parfait, simple mais trÚs bien situé

  • en

    braccer eve


    I give it a great review for a few reasons. Staff were super helpful, helping us to find place with no reservation and last moment in the middle of the summer season. Not only us, but some other tourists turned up after office hours and they came in to help them. Secondly it was very cheap. For 2 people and a medium tent it was around €13. Its not the biggest camp site and since we were late our car had to be parked at the parking. Personally I had no issue with that. They even put some nice tables with roofs which is perfect for a spot of rainy French weather.

  • Glenn Whitehouse

    Glenn Whitehouse


    Perfect for us as we were looking for an overnight stay on our way down to Italy. Fantastic location with easy access to motorway. Nice walk over the 3 countries foot bridge (only 5 minutes walk away). Very friendly owners. Thanks.

  • en

    Wayne Smith


    I don't know about other cyclists but a nice hot shower at the end of the day is always appreciated. No hot water when we were here. Barely lukewarm at best. Location is very good for riding into the city. Supermarket just across the river. Proprietors friendly and helpful. Bring your own toilet paper too.

Camping la plus proche

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