Bucherer a Lausanne




🕗 orari di apertura

Rue de Bourg, 1003, Lausanne, Lausanne, CH Schweiz
contatti telefono: +41 21 312 36 12
sito web: www.bucherer.com
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.520223, Longitude: 6.633992

commenti 5

  • en

    Greg Dim


    Dear Bucherer staff, Unfortunately you managed to disappoint me totally for the second time in a couple of years! I’m very very surprised from your poor level of service along with the snob, aloof attitude...I sincerely felt that you were doing me a favor of selling products to me. No feeling at all of visiting a luxury boutique. Just to let you know, I’m an avid watch enthusiast and I’ve been in contact with many boutiques around the world, who managed to provide top notch service without even being the no.1 dealer (sales wise) in Europe. Despite the fact of not doing anything to keep your customers happy, you are not even trying to be polite or simply helpful. I don’t really find any rational or emotional reason to buy products anymore from your store. Keep in mind, that by being the biggest dealer of certain brands, does not mean that you are considered one of the best. In simple words, experiential marketing along with extraordinary service guarantee an excellent reputation and place in the pantheon of luxury industry. Good luck in the future! Greg

  • Marco Caruso

    Marco Caruso


    Great after Sales Service. Thank you for the fast repairing of today! Very good watchmaker.

  • Nathalie Baeni

    Nathalie Baeni


    Beautiful and authentic place in the city heart of Lausanne ! What's more the staff is friendly and very helpful, thank you Claude and team for the advices and availability!

  • Daniel Mendes

    Daniel Mendes


    Un service au top ! Bravo à toute l'équipe et en particulier à Victoria Marsens et Claude Jutzi

  • Dominique Ribeiro

    Dominique Ribeiro


    Un service excellent! Un accueil chaleureux de la part du groupe travaillant dans cet établissement. La personne qui m'a servi était plus que compétente et patiente avec moi, ouverte et très agréable, je vous conseille d'ailleurs de demander (Victoria Marsens). L'achat d'une Rolex n'aura jamais été aussi agréable. J'y retournerai avec grand plaisir !

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