Bikeline de Bern




🕗 horaire

61, Mühlenmattstraße, 3007, Bern, Bern, CH Schweiz
contact téléphone: +41 31 376 10 76
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9412857, Longitude: 7.4317066

commentaires 5

  • Sandra Rüegsegger

    Sandra Rüegsegger


    Gute Beratung und Service

  • Jules H

    Jules H


  • en

    Yonas Martin


    Very disappointed and bad service. I wanted to tighten my chain, operation that I have done several times myself but unfortunately didn't have the appropriate tool currently. I stopped by and asked if I could shortly use their tool, which I would need for max. 3 minutes. The guys told me that the boss doesn't allow to lend stuff to the people. Eventhough I find this being of a strange spirit, I can still accept and understand it. I let my bike for a couple of hours. When I came back, they charged me 15 minutes of work (25.- CHF) in order to tighten my chain. (I am not professional and need 3 minutes for that) When I asked for explanations, the boss was absolutely not interested to try to see with his guys. I find this attitude very unpleasant and let me spare you my opinion about the 15 minutes work.... Avoid the shop

  • de

    Philippe Scheidegger


    Gute Beratung, tolle Leute und faire Preise

  • de

    wernu Streule


    Reperaturen von Fahrrädern werden hier professionell und zu fairen Preisen durchgeführt. Das Team ist sehr freundlich und selbst bei kleinen Notfällen wie Platti :( ist man bemüht, sich kurz Zeit zu nehmen. cool ist auch die Pumpstation, die jederzeit benutzt werden kann. Tolle Fahrräder im Verkaufsladen runden dieses kompetente Velofachgeschäft am Eigerplatz ab.

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