Bessa - Boulangerie Patisserie Tea Room de Genève

SuisseBessa - Boulangerie Patisserie Tea Room



🕗 horaire

12, Rue de Coutance, 1201, Genève, Genève, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 22 732 48 22
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.2062442, Longitude: 6.1427924

commentaires 5

  • Raja Assaf

    Raja Assaf


    Great bakery, good coffee, cosy...

  • Jordana del Feld

    Jordana del Feld


    Mediocre bland food, no ambiance, dreary, but conveniently located. I would say it’s hugely overpriced but this is Switzerland, where all bets are off and everything is crushingly costly. So...maybe it’s fair for its location. But why eat food that just makes you unhappy?

  • joy Cabanayan

    joy Cabanayan


    A great place to have breakfast , cheap but superb pastries 👍

  • en

    S C


    Now this is what I call an excellent café. The prices are great, the location is ideal and the selection of food and beverages is wide. I really love this place. Some might say that it is not a comfortable place because the chairs and tables are not made for that, but this is a minor downside. I highly recommend the place.

  • T H

    T H


    Walking through the neighborhood we found this spot and I am glad we did! It was a busy spot on a Sunday morning and we were lucky to find a table. We had cafe latte and a small cheese quiche as well as some bread and jam. Everything was delicious. I would like to have tried some of the pastries as they looked great. Service was pleasant and efficient.

Café la plus proche

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