Bern, Dählhölzli + BärenPark Zoo a Bern

SvizzeraBern, Dählhölzli + BärenPark Zoo



🕗 orari di apertura

1, Tierparkweg, 3005, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 31 357 15 15
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.9345582, Longitude: 7.4495192

commenti 5

  • Edin Kapić

    Edin Kapić


    Nice and neat place for the little ones to see and meet small domestic animals. Also, a lot of playing and climbing activities for them.

  • en

    Alan Varughese


    One of the best put together zoos. The area might be small compared to most mega zoos, however the number of animals and the ecosystems setup for the animals are well put together. The place is clean. The staff is friendly. The location is also put along the river, where part of the zoo is free to access as part of a park!

  • Zuzka Leiser Rosova

    Zuzka Leiser Rosova


    Nice walk in the nature, you get to see some animals, most of it is for free - very good playgrounds for children. Highly recommend for families and for jogging.

  • harry kozak

    harry kozak


    Great place to spend an afternoon in Bern. We were in transit and here for the day when we stumbled upon this zoo looking for the best pit (turns out they are affiliated!) a very atypical zoo with a petting zoo, natural (and free!) local wildlife exhibits, an an excellent vivarium (and cheap too, only 10fr per adult. The staff were extremely helpful. The cashier allowed us to store our oversized backpacks in the office because they wouldn’t fit in the lockers. We had an excellent time stumbling upon this natural zoo/park.

  • Diana Mora

    Diana Mora


    The Vivarium is very nice, there are some animals you can almost touch. The rest of the zoo is interesting, though not too big with a nice big playground for the kids. The restaurant outside the zoo it’s not bad, though menus only in German.

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