Bern Backpackers Hotel Glocke de Bern

SuisseBern Backpackers Hotel Glocke



🕗 horaire

Rathausgasse, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 31 311 37 71
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9484919, Longitude: 7.4480243

commentaires 5

  • en

    Nicholas Arensdorf


    Awesome location, excellent price, good beds. Only downside is no free breakfast, but a couple francs at the grocery store is all you need for a breakfast. Or you can take advantage of their free pasta and rice.

  • 王毓翔



    They have a great staff. The reception is in second floor and there is no lift in the ground floor. Just want to remind those who have big luggage.

  • Stéphanie-Linda Maserin

    Stéphanie-Linda Maserin


    Located in the city centre, it's a very comfortable hostel. The personal is very kind and there is a luggage room, that it's useful after the checkout.

  • en

    Mohita Suman


    Best hotel I have ever been. Common kitchen for self cooking with all amenities. Well maintained. Highly recommended.

  • NewGoldStandard



    one of the nicest hostel/hotels I've ever stayed at. this place is great! I cannot recommend this place enough. it. is. great. also, when you're in that tiny little elevator, know that I was, too. and this girl and I christened it for you. for real.

Lodging la plus proche

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