Bed and Breakfast Villa Alma a Muri bei Bern

SvizzeraBed and Breakfast Villa Alma



🕗 orari di apertura

45, Dunantstrasse, 3074, Muri bei Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 31 352 19 19
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 46.934993, Longitude: 7.4776747

commenti 5

  • Sameh Solaiman

    Sameh Solaiman


    Wonderful home in a foreign country... Here, you never feel away... Full tiny details are taken here into consideration... Really thank you Alma team

  • Shahab Mehraban

    Shahab Mehraban


    Long story short, this is the loveliest B&B I have ever stayed in... and it was better than 90% of the hotels I have ever stayed in... There was no member of staff when we arrived, but EVVVERRYYYTHING was prepared for us... worth every penny Suggestion: please put EUSwitzerland electricity sockets adapter int he rooms :-)

  • en

    MS Roos


    Friendly, well equiped and central

  • en

    Nancy Khalil


    Clean and modern

  • Nicolas von Graffenried

    Nicolas von Graffenried


    I stayed as a first guest in the bed and breakfast Alma in Muri bei Bern. Helene is such a charming host and I can only recommend this nice and quite place, close to the city center of Bern. The rooms are nicely furnished and you have to share the bath room with the two other rooms. My room was overlooking a beautiful garden the nights were very quiet and serene. However the breakfast was a big treat and gave me a lot of energy for the day. Helene is a really charming host and has lots of positive energy to share. If you are looking for a stay in Bern, you don't need to look further!

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