Bâtie Woods de Genève

SuisseBâtie Woods



🕗 horaire

Chemin de la Bâtie, 1202, Genève, Genève, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 22 418 50 00
site web: www.ville-geneve.ch
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.1980275, Longitude: 6.124281

commentaires 5

  • en

    Angelina James


    Fantastic a great place for a walk

  • Krzysztof Szarski

    Krzysztof Szarski


    Lot of animals in park with free entry. Entertaining for kids and adults. Near playground for kids. You need only 5-10 minutes to go forom there to bridge where you can see how two rivers at Juntion are merging into one.

  • Giuseppe Cavuoto

    Giuseppe Cavuoto


    Although I prefer to see animals out of limited spaces, this little park can take you out of the urban Geneva for a few hours with a short ride from the city centre. Having seen deers roaming free in Richmond park (London), bois de la batie doesn't seem impressive, but overall I would advise to go and have a nice walk. The best part is accessing the bridge over the river and walk facing junction where two water currents meet.

  • en

    Arshad Saleem


    Not many animals. But nature is pretty good.

  • en

    Rob Peters


    Amazing park with many services and fun for kids! Worth spending time here to relax a bit.

Zoo la plus proche

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