Bar Bistrot Restaurant Le Train Bleu de Basel

SuisseBar Bistrot Restaurant Le Train Bleu



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3, Centralbahnplatz, 4051, Basel, Basel-Stadt, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 61 270 78 17
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 47.5479429, Longitude: 7.5906019

commentaires 5

  • Sanjay Rishi

    Sanjay Rishi


    Good for a quick pit-stop drink near the Hauptbahnhof (Basel SBB) but would not recommend it for dining (especially for vegetarians - very limited options). There is a large terrace out front of the bistro where you can sit, sip on a drink and people watch - a very easy way to pass the time when the weather's good!

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    Wimmel Jan


    Okay hotel bar

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    Gilbert Chin


    Had the pumpkin soup, roast beef and pana cotta. They were nicely done, and the ambience of the restaurant was quite good

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    Joanne Warren


    Service is good and prices are reasonable. Did NOT like the fact that the staff shared the washroom code with the drunks that are around the train station. The washrooms were therefore a mess. Yuk.

  • Venus So

    Venus So


    I tried their "Victoria Menu". The avocado and prawn starter was great. The prawn was cooked just right with a little crispy outside and still preserve the fresh tenderness inside. Other dishes were good too.

Restaurant la plus proche

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