AugenCentrum Zytglogge de Bern

SuisseAugenCentrum Zytglogge



🕗 horaire

1, Bim Zytglogge, 3011, Bern, Bern, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 31 311 58 33
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.9479058, Longitude: 7.4476362

commentaires 5

  • pedro cortes di furlanetto

    pedro cortes di furlanetto


    come no. . . manca la capitale Svizzera, una delle belle dell'Europa🇨🇭🏁

  • Dan Moesch

    Dan Moesch


    Excellent experience. Traveling from the USA and came up with a sudden eye infection. Doctor answered my call on the Swiss national holiday and saw me right away. Very reasonable and spoke English and was able to help me. Highly recommend this place.

  • en

    Samantha Suarez


    I was looking for an English speaking eye doctor in Bern, for consultation regarding an eye infection. They advertise themselves as being an English speaking office. I'm giving a poor rating because of the service. The receptionist/assistant was curt - at times aggressive, and didn't speak a word of English. The doctor was quick and efficient, but you need a high level of German to understand your diagnosis and treatment options.

  • de

    Rosemarie Walter


    Habe einen Soforttermin erhalten, d.h. am nächsten Tag. Meine Anliegen wurden beantwortet. Die Personen waren alle freundlich. Die Wartezeit im Wartezimmer angenehm kurz.

  • de

    Mark. Helmes


    Schneller Termin und super Behandlung. Die Therapie gegen meinen hohen Augendruck hat prima geholfen. :)

Docteur la plus proche

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