Apple Rue de Rive i Genève

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SchweizApple Rue de Rive



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4, Rue de Rive, 1204, Genève, Genève, CH Switzerland
kontakter telefon: +41 22 318 03 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.2022301, Longitude: 6.1502984

kommentar 5

  • Anil Taneja

    Anil Taneja


    Service impeccable et rapide ! Merci encore à tout l'équipe :)

  • adnan elhoss

    adnan elhoss


    For any small information you need an appointment. They were much more helpful and pleasant few years ago

  • en

    Alexandre Cornut


    Very mixed experience. Half the time I am met with very nice and competent staff who genuinely try to help. The other half the time I land on callous, patronizing and inconsiderate scum (including at least one supervisor or manager) who make you genuinely feel like you are wasting their time especially with warranty claims or repairs.

  • en

    Evgeni Parfenov


    After reading the comments I’ve got an impression that quite a substantial difference in the appreciation of the services by the customers of this unit, in fact, depends on the concrete persons who are working there. I came to the Apple service centre on 14 March 2018 at around 12:00. It is true, as it was mentioned by some customers, that the reception was quite chaotic – could be better organised. It took me about 20 minutes after initial registration before I was approached by fellow whose name was James. I explained the reason for my visit – my iPAD 2 (2011) had symptoms of being very tired. I’m not an advanced user of this device and could not explain in all the details the process of bringing it back to life. It took about 45 minutes. I have been totally satisfied with the services. In addition, the attitude of James was very professional: he was extremely patient (as I said I was not an advanced user), friendly, very polite, looking for different solutions, kindly giving advice on how to deal with specific issues, etc. It was just excellent!

  • Amy McNamara

    Amy McNamara


    We had a bit of a wait but then the service was great. The tech helped us select our computer and make all the right choices based on our needs. We ended up ordering the ordi from home but felt well served and ready to do so after our conversation with the Apple Store staff.

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