AMAG Petit-Lancy de Lancy

SuisseAMAG Petit-Lancy



🕗 horaire

14, Route du Pont Butin, 1213, Lancy, Genève, CH Switzerland
contact téléphone: +41 22 870 92 00
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.1955233, Longitude: 6.11143

commentaires 5

  • en

    Christoph Schwick


    Incompetent, arrogant and expensive. Had to find the troubles of my Skoda on the web (air inflow sensor broken; known problem). Did not follow service plan (flooding of passenger room due to never removed foils accumulating). Dangerous non-maintenance of breaks (complained about noises coming from the disk in curve. They did not do anything until I got hot wheels on the motorway). Prices exorbitant. Now happily driving a Volvo...

  • Walid Fawaz

    Walid Fawaz


    Great service

  • Jason AC

    Jason AC


    Expensive and they don't always understand your problem.

  • en

    Axmed Yusuf


    Excellent staff especially Mr Forgione

  • en

    John Dole


    I used to take my Audi here (some 10 years ago when they were still doing Audi as well) and was very satisfied with them. Recently I had my son's VW Golf serviced and controlled (2nd hand car) here and was very happy with all aspects of my customer experience and will certainly return when the next service is due.

Station essence la plus proche

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