Abbey Library of Saint Gall a St. Gallen

SvizzeraAbbey Library of Saint Gall



🕗 orari di apertura

6D, Klosterhof, 9004, St. Gallen, Sankt Gallen, CH Switzerland
contatti telefono: +41 71 227 34 16
sito web:
più grande mappa e indicazioni
Latitude: 47.423152, Longitude: 9.376703

commenti 5

  • Jeev Mathew Varghese

    Jeev Mathew Varghese


    Abbey of St. Gallen is an interesting place to visit. Spread of Christianity vide Irish monks following the fall of the Roman empire is simply told.

  • en

    Con Stroulios


    If you are ever visiting St. Gallen, you have to visit the Abbey Bibliotek, it is amazingly adorned and painted, with a collection of some of the oldest books. Just amazing that they survived this long, incredible. There is an entrance fee, and they also have an audio guided system, that is worth the money, so informative. The entrance to the library, above the doorway is in Greek, and reads, "the souls doctor" or "doctor to the soul". The ticket also allows entrance to the lower level of collections of Ancient relics that were found around the area. Very informative and historical tour. The Abbey itself is an incredible part, also worth a visit, heavily adorned and embellished, the painted ceilings are impressive, just fantastic, something you have to see and admire, don't miss, a must.

  • Narayanan Krishnaswamy

    Narayanan Krishnaswamy


    An interesting baroque style centuries old church. A treat for believers and art and architecture enthusiasts. Has interesting frescoes and stained glass paintings. A must visit for tourists and travellers alike.

  • cesare lanza

    cesare lanza


    Breathtaking place. You can´t miss it if you visit San Gallo. Everything is very well maintained and valued. The Swiss teaches! Strongly recommended.

  • Guillaume PERRIN

    Guillaume PERRIN


    This is a must see! The library is simply breathtaking. English translation are available. You have to pay another fee for the audio guide . However, I really don't get the policy to forbid cameras. I mean I understand the need to avoid flash, as it can alter the paper, but taking a picture? I have not having one photo or two as souvenir...

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